The Surprising Things Our Visitors Say About Defiant

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Marsha, Marsha, Marsha…

Some of you may not be old enough to get the reference and that’s okay. Ever hear a little show called The Brady Bunch? Well Marsha was the pretty, older sister who got a lot of attention (to the dismay of her younger, sometimes jealous sister).

Defiant, Defiant, Defiant…

Technically, it’s no surprise at all that people have wonderful things to say about us! We’ve been hearing this regularly for years. We get a regular influx of out of town visitors, local folks who are brand new to CrossFit (and sometimes to working out in general!) and experienced CrossFitters who just relocated here and are looking for a new gym home.

I check on everyone who visits us and ask them about their experience here. So what are they saying???

“Wow, you guys are so fun!”

“I was impressed by how welcoming everyone is!”

“I was so scared for my first class but the coach explained everything and I had a great time!”

“Everyone is so nice and helpful!”

“I can’t wait to come back!”

To quote a few. So what sets us apart? Is it our barbells, kettlebells, pull up bars or med balls? Nope. Everybody’s get em. Is it the fact that we do cool CrossFit workouts like Fran, Nancy or Murph? Nah. Every CrossFit does em.


It’s our mindset. We legitimately care about the people who walk into our gym and their goals. Our coaches are attentive and will customize workouts based on our members’ needs and abilities. That’s reflected in our programming and our Coaching culture. We’ve built a solid community based on encouragement, trust and support that starts with our Coaches and works it’s way out through our community of amazing people.

Our goal is to help you first. The fitness and gains will come! Just walk in and say hello.